Three Cornered/Few Flowered Garlic

It is definitely wild garlic season in the UK but so far I haven’t found where it grows in the wild locally to me so have been looking at the various garlic pesto recipes popping up on blogs with a deal of envy.

However, walking to a friend’s house for a shared Pilates class this morning I caught a glimpse of white flowers along the footpath behind her house, which runs through a slightly wooded area.

It wasn’t the true wild garlic or ransoms (allium ursinum) I had been looking for but instead was the milder three cornered garlic ( allium triquetrum), and similar few flowered leek ( slightly different flower shape) , growing along with some bluebells.

Three Cornered Garlic, Allium Triquetrum
Three Cornered Garlic, Allium Triquetrum

This is equally edible but has a milder, sweeter flavour meaning that you can use the leaves raw in salads as well as in cooking. You can also eat the flowers.

You can recognise it by the triangular leaves. The white bell shaped flowers have a small green stripe down each petal. As another check, smell the leaves to be sure they smell of garlic.

I wasn’t really prepared for this bit of ad-hoc foraging so only had a cloth bag and was wearing particularly unsuitable white trainers, especially as it was raining, but went back to collect a small amount after the class. Not enough to make pesto I fear as I was trying reach far into the verge to avoid the ones dogs were most likely to have weed on whilst also trying to avoid picking the bluebell leaves which look fairly similar ( but were much larger), and avoid getting too wet and muddy. But now I know where to go when better equipped. My friends also gave me some tips on where I might find ransoms in the area.

Three cornered garlic, and bluebells
Three cornered garlic, and bluebells

I also came back with a delicious homemade courgette and pine nut cake my friend had baked with a glut of courgettes from her veggie box – will definitely be getting the recipe for that.

I am not going to repeat a recipe for garlic pesto as I have seen several on other blogs recently, most recently this one from Gypsy Soul who also features a monthly Thrifty Thursday blog link up which I have joined a couple of times.

I think the quantity I collected will be ideal for adding to a risotto.

What’s your favourite way of using wild garlic, whichever variety?

You can now follow me on Twitter or Facebook using the links at the top of the page. I have a board on foraging on Pinterest

5 thoughts on “Three Cornered/Few Flowered Garlic

  1. I didn’t know about three cornered garlic, I’m going to have to keep an eye out for that now. Does it smell strongly of garlic like the other wild garlic? I wouldn’t want to pick the wrong thing.
    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog 🙂


    1. I think this one is an escapee form gardens and public planting so not truly “wild”. It does smell garlicky but I suspect not as strong as the other kind ( still haven’t managed to find that so don’t know) – perhaps more like strong spring onions.


  2. Three corner leek was introduced to our village years ago and now grows in any place it can gain a hold. Be aware it is a delicious but rampant weed in the Uk


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